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Our transformative projects

The transformative projects of the university aim to support the institution's strategy in its various dimensions: research, innovation, education, support for public policies, internationalization, partnership development, in their diversity and at all levels.

Other projects are carried out by the institution on behalf of a group of partners with whom we share common challenges, especially regarding innovation for cities and mobility.

The visibility of the institution on its areas of expertise has finally earned it the mandate to co-carry specific programs such as PEPR, where the university contributes to structuring and animating a scientific community on essential topics of the national acceleration strategy.

The financial resources dedicated to these projects come from the PIA / FRANCE 2030 or European funding mechanisms and are regulated by agreements with the operators.

Institutional Projects


I-Site Future: the foundation of our institution


The I-SITE FUTURE project is an institutional and scientific project aimed at establishing an internationally renowned university focusing on the theme of desirable cities and territories for the future.

Selected in 2017 in response to the IDEX/I-SITE call for projects from the Future Investments Program (PIA), the I-SITE FUTURE project (Science - Innovation - Territory - Economy Initiative) led to the creation of Gustave Eifel University on January 1, 2022.

The I-SITE Future label of Gustave Eiffel University was then confirmed on March 10, 2022.


I-SITE FUTURE is now the central mechanism that contributes to realizing the ambition of Gustave Eiffel University to become the reference institution for sustainable cities and territories at the national and international levels. It provides our institution with the opportunity to continue and develop its research, education, and public policy support missions in collaboration with its partners.

The scientific project of I-SITE Future is particularly interested in contributing to making cities and territories fairer and more equitable, safer and more resilient, as well as more resource-efficient and frugal.


Transformative Institutional Projects to Sustain Momentum


While I-SITE FUTURE permeates all strategic initiatives of the university, other transformative projects provide means to serve specific aspects of this strategy:

  • Supporting the evolution of undergraduate programs through individualized pathways and a competency-based approach: D.Clic (winner of New Curricula at the University)
  • Integrating sustainable development challenges into undergraduate programs: AVID (winner of Competencies and Future Professions)
  • Supporting Master's students in transitioning to research: GP-DS (winner of SFRI - Structuring Training through Research in Excellence Initiatives)
  • Offering continuing education in sustainable cities by integrating the latest research findings in this field: FORCOVD (winner of Higher Education and Research Institution Development Strategies)
  • Supporting campus communities through research-action programs, continuing education, and knowledge dissemination: City-Fab (winner of Excellence in All Forms)
  • Facilitating the development of Gustave Eiffel University through a gradual process of integration and collaboration across its communities: AMI (winner of Ideas for Excellence)

Coordinated transformative projects on behalf of a group of partners


These projects aim in particular to:

  • Support innovation and the creation of businesses linked to our research, especially with partners from our various campuses: Sci-Ty (winner of the Pre-maturation-Maturation call)
  • Lead a European network on cities, internationalize education through research: PIONEER Alliance. This alliance thus consolidates the previously gathered consortium around the ClearDoc project (COFUND winner), which is ending, and InCities (Widening winner).

The mandates for animating the national research and innovation community


Lastly, it is worth mentioning that Gustave Eiffel University's visibility in the fields of cities and mobility has led to its mandate to co-lead two Priority Research Programs and Facilities (PEPR) related to these themes:

  • The PEPR "Sustainable Cities and Innovative Buildings" (co-led with CNRS)
  • The PEPR "Digital Technologies for Mobility in Territories" (co-led with IFPEN)

These two PEPR programs are part of national strategies and represent the research component of around twenty national strategies established by the government to accelerate, particularly, knowledge production on critical issues.

The aim of these PEPR programs is to define research challenges, major scientific obstacles, and ways to overcome them by mobilizing scientific communities.