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Priority Research Programs and Equipment

PEPR MOBIDEC Digitalization and Decarbonization of Mobility


Decarbonizing mobility is a major challenge. The ambition of the Digitalization and Decarbonization of Mobility Research Program is to mobilize and rally all stakeholders around this issue: the French scientific community (research organizations, universities, schools), as well as public decision-makers, urban planners, transport and data operators, infrastructure managers, and industry players.

Spanning over 8 years, the program supports the objective set by the Ecological Planning to reduce by 66 Mt eq CO2 the emissions related to the mobility of goods (30 Mt eq CO2) and people (36 Mt eq CO2) by 2030. It is part of the France 2030 initiatives under the acceleration strategy "Digitalization and Decarbonization of Mobility."


Co-led by IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) and Université Gustave Eiffel, the PEPR "Digitalization and Decarbonization of Mobility" (MOBIDEC) aims to develop a sustainable, sovereign, and resilient mobility system, with a focus on the collection, analysis, and processing of mobility data.

It seeks to understand and anticipate the mobility behaviors of goods and people, facilitate the interpretation and processing of data, and provide decision support tools to simulate the impact of public policies in advance or evaluate the relevance of new transport offerings.

The MOBIDEC PEPR aims to:

  • Mobilize the national scientific community in collaboration with economic actors and local authorities.
  • Advance knowledge about the uses and impacts of mobility for goods and people.
  • Prepare tools for users, order givers, and public policy stakeholders.

Implementation of the PEPR


The PEPR is implemented through four main components:

  • Three initial projects focused on: understanding mobility patterns, processing mobility data, and developing methodologies for impact assessment and decision support.
  • Two calls for projects to engage the community and establish academic-operator-local authority consortia.
  • Doctoral and postdoctoral scholarships to renew and expand the research and innovation community.
  • Dedicated coordination to share results and accelerate their operationalization.



Learn more about PEPR


Les « Programmes et équipements prioritaires de recherche », dits PEPR, constituent le volet amont/recherche des stratégies de France 2030.

Ils visent à construire ou consolider un leadership français dans des domaines scientifiques liés ou susceptibles d’être liés à une transformation technologique, économique, sociétale, sanitaire, environnementale, etc. Ils sont considérés comme prioritaires aux niveaux national ou européen et contribueront fortement à structurer la recherche nationale pour les huit prochaines années.

Les PEPR, financés sur un montant cible de 3 Md €, existent sous deux formes : les PEPR de stratégie d’accélération nationale et les PEPR exploratoires. Ces programmes bénéficient d'une aide de l’État, gérée par l'Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) au titre de France 2030 (volet « dirigé » du 4e Programme d'investissements d'avenir (PIA4), dans le cadre du financement des investissements stratégiques).

Depuis 2021, 27 PEPR ont été lancés sur des domaines variés tels que l’environnement, la ville durable, la santé, les systèmes énergétiques, le quantique ou la cybersécurité.




Fabrice Vienne :

Corinne Blanquart