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Campus Marne-la-Vallée

Associations and community life

When you come to Université Gustave Eiffel, you will be joining a university community of nearly 17,000 students. This is an ideal opportunity to enjoy an active campus life alongside your studies and to get involved in associations and community life.

Whether you want to get involved in the democratic life of the university or create an association, at Université Gustave Eiffel we offer you different ways of getting involved, depending on your interests and convictions.

By getting involved, you are also enhancing your career and facilitating your professional integration.

Student associations

Many student associations are housed at the university and work in a wide variety of fields, creating a dynamic campus life.

If you would like to create an association, the Student Life Department is available to assist you throughout this process.

Also, the Université Gustave Eiffel Solidarity and Development Fund for Student Initiatives (Fonds de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Étudiantes - FSDIE) aims to help associations and/or student groups to carry out their projects by awarding them a grant. Projects may aim to develop a voluntary student initiative, particularly in one or more of the following areas: culture, sports, social action, health and disability, education, civic participation, the environment or humanitarian work. They may also involve training students in the various areas of student representation and associations.

Your involvement can also be recognised through Cross-Curricular Units ( Unités d'Enseignement d'ouverture - UEO).


  • Student and association-based initiatives

Student Life Department
Maison de l’Étudiant – Office B02

+33 (0)1 71 40 81 97

  •  Enrika MUKOKO

Responsible of developing student projects and community life
Maison de l’Étudiant – Office B02
+33 (0)1 71 40 81 97

  • FSDIE Commission

Student Life Department
Maison de l’Étudiant – Office B02

+33 (0)1 71 40 81 94

Student associations

‘An audiovisual university association’ would be the serious way to describe 803Z, ‘a friendly, united collective’ would be a cooler way, and a more pretentious way would be ‘the Université Gustave Eiffel cinema association’. The best way to describe 803Z is simply ‘803Z’.


The Students' Office is there to entertain students and boost student life on campus. It organises a variety of events (aperitifs, parties, theme days, board game evenings, etc.) for all students at the university. On a daily basis, the BDE runs the student foyer, a place where everyone can relax in the heart of the student centre.




Le Bruit du Kouloir (BDK) is a music association with a fully-equipped rehearsal space. Members can take advantage of the many musical instruments and equipment to share their passion for music or to discover it.
Everyone is welcome to learn, express themselves, share and, of course, get up on stage...

Come and jam with BDK!


Social networks :

Lavoisier building, music room

Cinéko supports students in their studies through film-related events and helps them to set up film projects (creative assistance, tutorials, cinéklub, film screenings, particularly through the CinéKourt festival).



Social networks :

Main building: Alexandra David Néel, Room: A04 MDE.

Audience: All students interested in audiovisual media in all its forms.

We welcome all students interested in stage and set technology, and looking for an introduction to the professional world, to participate in organising the many student activities of the Cité Descartes. Our activities include: setting up and dismantling stages (sound and light systems) for student parties or other events, managing control rooms and ensuring that the technical aspects of these events run smoothly. In the future, we will be setting up training courses on using and repairing equipment.



Social networks :

Room A15, 5, boulevard Descartes 77420 Champs-sur-Marne (Maison de l'Étudiant)

For 15 years, this online media association has been informing all the users of the campus by offering various and entertaining programmes: student life, news, culture, sports... Have a listen, and join the team at the Champs-sur-Marne Campus student radio!



Social networks :

Room : Maison des étudiants - Studio A01 and Office A02

We are a dance association and we perform at all kinds of events. So if you're looking for a place to dance, create, grow, perform or just enjoy, our troupe will welcome you with open arms.



Social networks :

Building : Dance room - Local A13

Subject-specific associations, reserved for :

ESIEE Paris has 4 associations: Esieespace, Junior ESIEE, the Sports Association (BDS), the Student Association (BDE), which includes more than thirty clubs and two integration committees in various fields: cultural, sports, humanitarian, scientific, etc. They are essential to the life of the school, bringing dynamism and cohesion among students.




The BDE SHS UGE works throughout the year to create cohesion and liven up our field. So join us to bring the humanities training and research unit to life as well as the whole campus, along with the other associations. We have plenty of fun, friendly events on offer between the different fields and associations.


Social networks :

Our building: Bois de l’Étang

Our Audience: Mainly humanities students but any student from the campus can join us.

Student bodies and representatives

The student vice-presidency

Since January 2021, the elected student vice-president is Enora Lorcy. She is supported by three deputy vice-presidents: Inès Pasquier, Roland Panzou and Tanneguy Allaire.

Student Parliament

The Student Parliament, a first in France, is a decision-making and representative body for the students at Université Gustave Eiffel, alongside the Board of Directors and the Academic Council. The body is chaired by the Student Vice-President, and plays a central role in student life, university life and educational issues.

The Parliament brings together elected students and members of student associations, and allows for peer-to-peer debate.


  • Student Vice Presidency


  • Administrative Secretariat of the Student Parliament

Bois de l'Étang – Office A215


Student Parliament


Meet Enora Lorcy (Student Vice-President) and Gerald Lebigot (Assistant Student Vice-President)


Elected representatives

On the central councils

Student representatives are elected every two and a half years. Two students sit on the Administrative Board and 12 students sit on the Academic Board, including four PhD students. All of these elected representatives sit on the Student Parliament.

On the component councils

Student representatives participate in the component councils and are elected every two years by the students of the relevant component. They participate in its organisation, guidance and management. They also sit on the Student Parliament.

Student representatives

Student representatives are chosen at the beginning of the year or semester from a tutorial, amphitheatre group or class, depending on the organisation of the courses. They are valuable contacts and can participate in working groups on campus life.

Sustainable development & social responsibility

The university is aware of the need to raise awareness and disseminate these issues. True to its commitment to society, the university has set up a dedicated mission: the Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility (DD&RS) mission


As a student, you have the opportunity to become a DD&RS officer and to participate in the development of an institutional policy and to raise awareness throughout the year among students and staff.

The two roles of the Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility mission

Raising awareness of sustainable development among staff and students through key events
  • The Student Sustainable Development Week, initiated by the Student Network for an Ecological and United Society (Réseau Etudiant pour une Société Écologique et Solidaire - RESES)
  • European Green Week, an initiative of the European Union
  • The European Week for Waste Reduction, initiated by the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME)
Creating a Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility policy

The second role of the DD&RS mission is to create a policy made up of many projects divided into several themes:

  • Strategy and governance
  • Education and training
  • Research and innovation
  • Environmental management (lowering greenhouse gas emissions, reducing waste, respect for biodiversity, sustainable food)
  • Social policy

Find out more about the DD&RS mission

Equality and the fight against discrimination

The Gender Equality Mission works to ensure the promotion of gender equality within the institution and, more generally, respect for people of all sexes and genders, regardless of their sexual orientation.


Through support work, prevention, training and communication, the Gender Equality Mission at Université Gustave Eiffel fulfils the following missions:

  • Conducting and supporting work towards an inclusive society in the field of research, training and cultural life of the university;
  • Participating in the reflection on the ways to encourage positive developments in human resources, based in particular on the institution’s social report;
  • Participating in the fight against sexual harassment and sexism;
  • Developing awareness-raising activities for staff and students to identify good practices in favour of gender equality and supporting their implementation;
  • Helping to give greater visibility to all the actions carried out internally and externally by the institution, in particular promoting the initiatives undertaken by the university's components;
  • Encouraging the implementation of gender-neutral communication in the institution, including the drafting of administrative forms that respect diversity of sex and gender;
  • Promoting the dissemination of the image of an institution concerned with its social responsibility, in particular through the implementation of gender-neutral communication in internal and external communication documents.

Find out more about the Equality mission

For any questions and to report an event or an action 

For any questions and to report an event or an action

To communicate with Lilabot, the chatbot of the Student Observatory of Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Higher Education