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European Hackathon

Since 2021, the Université Gustave Eiffel (UGE) has been working with AFIT France (France's transport infrastructure financing agency) on a study of changes in mobility (goods and passengers) and their impact on transport infrastructure needs.

The idea of this European Hackathon comes from the meeting between AFIT France's desire to fuel this reflection with innovative and prospective contributions, and Gustave Eiffel University's desire to enlighten public policies and link its research and training missions to the major issues faced by its partners.

The ambition from the start was to bring the subject to a European scale. To do this, Gustave Eiffel University relies on member universities of the Pioneer alliance, a European university project about the city of tomorrow that it coordinates.

Discover the Hackaton student experience by watching our video.

2025 edition

The ambition of the training programme is to mobilise students from all over Europe to contribute, via a hackathon, to issues on evolution of mobilities and related needs, which is the topic addressed by the Université Gustave Eiffel within it’s partnership with AFIT France (French Organisation for Investments in Transportation and Infrastructure).

The event will take place from Friday March 21 to Tuesday March 25, 2025 on the premises of the Paris campus of the Gustave Eiffel University at City of Paris Engineering School (EIVP).

The theme of this fourth edition is : "Towards sustainable logistics and goods transportation".

40 students (Master's level) will be selected, half of whom will come from the following 12 universities, partners of the Gustave Eiffel University:


  • TH Köln, University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany (DE),
  • LAUREA, University of Applied Sciences, Vantaa, Finland (FI),
  • University of Zilina, Slovakia (SK),
  • ISCTE IUL - Lisbon University Institute, Portugal (PT),
  • UniBo, University of Bologna, Italy (IT),
  • PoliMi, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy (IT),
  • Dimitrie Cantemir' Christian University, Bucharest, Romania (RO),
  • University of Huelva, Spain (SP),
  • Avans University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands (NL),
  • IUAV University of Venice, Italy (IT),
  • UTB, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic (CZ),
  • BFH, University of Applied Sciences, Bern, Switzerland (CH).

Students will be grouped by the organization into multi-disciplinary and mixed teams (Gustave Eiffel University students and students from partner universities).

Each team will have to propose innovative projects in terms of :

  • Management of flows and deliveries,
  • Modal shift opportunities,
  • Governance of supply chains,
  • Places of massification,
  • New motorizations for freight,

Participants will also enjoy a convivial evening and a visit to Paris,...

European Hackathon schedule : 

  • September 17, 2024 to November 07, 2024 : call for entries from the student community.
  • February 8 and March 8, 2025 : remote work sessions for teams to select their ideas.
  • Friday March 21 to Tuesday March 25, 2025 : European Hackathon at the Paris campus of Gustave Eiffel University, at the École des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris (EIVP).
  • Tuesday, March 25, 2025 : final presentation of projects to a panel of experts, selection of the 3 winning teams and prize-giving ceremony.


How to participate ?

Students from European partner universities must register with their international relations department by 24 October at the latest.

Participation rules

Webinar Information :

Are you wondering about the terms and conditions or implications of taking part?

We offer an information webinar on Monday, October 21, 2024 from 12 : 45 to 1 : 30 pm.

Login codes :

Meeting ID : 891 8560 1418

Password : Xj5pLgN5

More informations