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Financing of training

Find financing

The average time to obtain financing is 2 months.

Depending on your status, you can benefit from different schemes to financially support your training. The university's Lifelong Learning, VAE and Work-study Training Department will provide personal assistance :

  • Understanding your rights
  • Administrative and financial follow-up of your application
  • Obtaining the necessary documents for your request for financing (estimate, schedule, etc.).

Don't wait to be admitted to make your financing arrangements. Send your requests to

You can benefit from one or more of the following financing schemes :


  • The Professional Transition Project (Projet de Transition professionnelle).
  • The skills development plan (plan de développement des compétences).
  • The Personal Training Account (CPF - Compte Personnel de Formation).
  • Promotion through a work/study course (Pro A).


You can benefit from professional leave for training :


  • Professional Training Leave in the State Civil Service.
  • Professional training leave in the local civil service.
  • Professional training leave in the hospital civil service.

Find out more


It is possible to obtain various forms of financing, particularly from your local region; ask your local Pôle Emploi employment centre for information.

It is also possible to sign a professionalisation contract in the same way as those receiving the RSA welfare benefit..


You can benefit from a professionalisation contract to build on your initial training.

Foreigners holding a temporary or multi-year residence permit marked “student” may also sign a professionalisation contract.

  • Funding supported by the OPCO.
  • Personal Training Account (CPF).

You have the same rights as employees / jobseekers (depending on your situation) and you can also benefit from the following financing :

  • MDPH funding.
  • Fund for people with disabilities in the civil service (FIPHFPH).
  • Financing by AGEFIPH.

Financing schemes

The Professional Transition Project (Projet de Transition professionnelle)

The professional transition project (formerly known as CIF) allows employees wishing to change jobs or professions to finance training courses leading to certification in line with their professional plans. In this context, the employee can benefit from a right to leave and continued remuneration for the duration of the training course.

Who can benefit ?

This scheme is aimed at employees. They must be able to prove that they have been in paid employment for at least two years, consecutive or not, including one year in the same company, whatever the nature of the successive contracts.


The applicant

  • Training candidate (e candidate) Université Gustave Eiffel
  • Creates a personal space on the Transition Pro website of his region
  • Requests a leave of absence from his/her employer
  • Fills in the relevant section on the Transition Pro website
  • receives a notice of application directly from Transition Pro (all applications must be received before 31/05).

 The university

  • Complete the pages relating to the training and the candidate's assessment and sign the file directly in the Transition Pro space from April onwards (no file can be completed before this date)

 The applicant

  • Have the employer fill in the part that concerns them
  • Sign the application
  • Submit a complete application to Transition Pro at least two months before the start of the course
  • Inform the University of the decision of Transition Pro

Find out more

Public Service website

Ile-de-France Transition Pro website

The skills development plan

Since 1 January 2019, the skills development plan has replaced the former “Plan de Formation”.

The skills development plan allows employees to take training courses at the initiative of their employer. These training courses may be compulsory for the exercise of a profession (e.g. Caces safety training, driving licence, electrical authorisations, etc.).

The definition of a training action is simplified: it is an educational pathway leading to a professional objective. It is now possible to carry out work-based training (FEST), in addition to face-to-face training or partly or wholly remote training. At the university, FEST training can be set up at the initiative of a company that wishes to train several employees. Almost all of our degrees are open to lifelong learning with classes on-site.

Your status during the course

Your status does not change, it is that of the normal execution of the employment contract.

  • Remuneration remains the same
  • If an accident occurs during the training, it will be classified as an accident at work.
  • The cost of the training is borne by your employer.
  • Food and accommodation expenses incurred during the training are reimbursed or paid directly by your employer in accordance with the rules usually applied in the company for professional missions.
  • The training takes place during working hours or in certain limited cases outside working hours.

How to apply for training under the training plan ?

You can apply for training under the company's training plan. The law does not impose any procedure: the request and the response are freely formulated, according to the practices or contractual provisions that may exist in the company. You can request a quote to present to your employer at

For more information :

Contact the DDTEFP (Direction Départementale du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle).

Website of the French Ministry of Labour, Employment and Inclusion

Pôle Emploi website


The Personal Training Account (CPF)

The personal training account (CPF) can be used by any employee throughout his or her working life, including during periods of unemployment, to follow training leading to a qualification or certificate. The CPF has replaced the droit individuel à la formation scheme (Dif). Employees do not lose the hours they acquired under the Dif.

Who is the CPF for ?

The CPF is aimed at :

  • Employees
  • Members of a liberal profession or self-employed
  • Assisting spouses
  • Jobseekers

Check the rights you have acquired

The objectives of the CPF

The CPF application allows employees to consult the rights they have acquired throughout their working life and until retirement, as well as the eligible training courses.
At Université Gustave Eiffel, you can use your CPF for :

  •  National diplomas registered in the RNCP
  •  Support in Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE).


Before making an application via the CPF website, you must first have applied for the training in question and have been accepted.
You must then contact your lifelong learning manager and tell them that you wish to use your CPF credit.

To do this, send an e-mail to specifying the title of the training course and whether the funding is being used on a personal basis or in conjunction with your employer.

Your manager will send you a link to the application and all funding procedures will be carried out on the website.


Retraining or promotion through work/study training - Pro A

Who can benefit from the professionalisation scheme ?

The work/study training scheme is aimed at employees on permanent contracts, employees on integration contracts, employees, sportspeople or professional trainers on fixed-term contracts, and employees in part-time work.

Please note : To be eligible for this scheme, these employees must not have attained a level of qualification recognised by a professional certification registered in the French Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP) and corresponding to the grade of Bachelor's degree.

How long does it take ?

Each employee benefiting from a work/study promotion scheme undergoes training

  • Between 15% and 25% of the total duration of the Pro-A,
  • Which must not be less than 150 hours,
  • May be increased above 25% for certain categories of beneficiaries. These categories are defined by your professional branch.


The scheme for retraining or promotion through work/study training aims to facilitate a change of trade or profession, or a social or professional promotion, by obtaining a professional certification acquired through work/study training.

For more information

Public Service website

Website of the French Ministry of Labour, Employment and Inclusion