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Leading urban transitions to a sustainable future

In the framework of the European Horizon Europe program, new public-public partnership mechanisms have been developed, including the Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable Future (DUT) partnership. This co-funded partnership builds on the achievements of the Urban Europe IPG and aims to strengthen joint efforts towards sustainable urban development and knowledge and data transfer.

Combining strengths in the three OTC transition paths

In order to provide answers and support cities in their specific strategies, the partnership focuses on three critical urban sectors, and their interactions:

  • The Circular Urban Regenerative Economies Transition Pathway, which aims to foster the design of livable, inclusive, and green communities and neighborhoods supported by circular urban economies and resource flows.
  • The Positive Energy Districts Transition Pathway, which aims to optimize the local energy system through actions to achieve energy transition and climate neutrality.
  • The 15-Minute City Transition Pathway, which aims to rethink the existing mobility system to encourage sustainable mobility and reorganize our daily activities to make our cities more climate neutral, livable and inclusive.

An inter and trans-disciplinary approach

The partnership aims to involve all players and all approaches: technological, social, economic, cultural, etc. To provide a solution to these major urban challenges, the strength of Gustave Eiffel University lies in the diversity of its themes and work (mobility, civil engineering, network management, governance, etc.) and its disciplines.


"On this theme of transitions, our institution has a real role to play and it is important to show how our work can shed light on a certain number of decisions, but also to show the specificities of questions relating to transitions according to the territories", Corinne Blanquart, First Vice-President of the Gustave Eiffel University


A large scale partnership

The OTC partnership is a co-funded partnership: it relies on the participation and financial contribution of the partners established in the Member States that make it up, i.e. 27 countries and 63 partners (ministries, funding agencies, organizations, regions).

In France, these partners are the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR), the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion (MTECT), the National Research Agency (ANR), the Agency for the Environment and Energy Management (ADEME), the National Association for Research and Technology (ANRT), the Center for Studies and Expertise on Risks, Environment, Mobility and Development (CEREMA), the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT) and the Gustave Eiffel University.



FUTURE Days 2022-2023 :

La transition s'impose aujourd'hui dans le discours mais recouvre pour autant de multiples réalités : transition écologique, transition numérique, transition sociale entre autres, sont les défis auxquels les territoires sont confrontés.
La 6e édition des FUTURE Days, ce sont ces transitions que nous vous proposons de discuter : leurs réalités, les transformations qu'elles impliquent et les modalités de leur mise en œuvre.
La déclinaison territoriale des enjeux de transition nous invite ainsi à initier un cycle de rencontres sur les différents campus de l'Université Gustave Eiffel.