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A new catalog of scientific equipment platforms

The Gustave Eiffel University is distinguished by the diversity and wealth of its scientific facilities, more commonly referred to as platforms. With some forty platforms listed to date, this new site offers a broad overview of the resources available for research, training and industry. A veritable hotbed of expertise, this concentration of equipment and human skills represents the beating heart of the university's scientific dynamism.

The campuses of the Université Gustave Eiffel have research facilities and infrastructures, known as platforms, which contribute to their attractiveness and influence. But what is a "platform"? At the Université Gustave Eiffel, a platform is much more than just a group of facilities. It's a collection of test infrastructures, materials, databases, digital tools (models, software) and human resources dedicated to high-level research. They are more than just tools for experimentation; they embody the university's unique scientific heritage, and are the fruit of in-depth reflection on how to make the most of its resources.

With this in mind, the Gustave Eiffel University has undertaken to list and group together all its platforms on a dedicated website. The aim of this initiative is to provide a digital showcase for this scientific heritage and make it accessible to all, whether researchers, academic and socio-economic partners or students. They offer cutting-edge resources in a variety of fields, from components and systems to the environment and territories, from infrastructures and materials to mobility and simulation.

"With this catalog, our aim is to clearly distinguish ourselves from other establishments. Our rich scientific heritage is a real asset, as we have a wide range of platforms, with the technical and human resources to support projects," explains Véronique Cerezo, Director of the Lyon campus and coordinator of the project. "By focusing on multidisciplinary and multi-scale approaches, we are able to tackle complex issues and propose more global answers to our scientific questions. This ability to study phenomena at different scales gives us an expertise that is quite unique in the research landscape."

Each platform listed on the site is accompanied by a detailed fact sheet, providing an in-depth description of its areas of expertise, available equipment and potential collaborations. Users can thus quickly find those corresponding to their needs, whether for research, training or industrial partnerships, using a filter system.

"Their mission goes far beyond research and experimentation: they are also vectors of innovation and knowledge transfer, contributing to technological progress and the advancement of science and techniques," Véronique continues.

By providing an environment conducive to collaboration and discovery, these platforms play an essential role in developing skills and promoting scientific excellence at the Université Gustave Eiffel.


Consult our catalog of scientific equipment platforms