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Exchange students

Université Gustave Eiffel welcomes international students who come to France as part of an exchange programme. Benefit from an international outlook and a rich academic, linguistic, cultural and people-centred experience during your studies at Université Gustave Eiffel.


Consult the Exchange Student book

Application procedure

Students who wish to join Université Gustave Eiffel for one or two semesters must first contact the coordinator at their home university. Université Gustave Eiffel only accepts students selected in accordance with the agreement signed between our two institutions.

Once selected, the student will receive an email with a link to the application form which must be completed and submitted online before the deadline.

Before submitting your online application, you must upload the following documents to the platform:

  • Copy of your passport or identity card
  • Passport photo
  • Academic transcripts
  • Cover letter
  • CV
  • Bachelor's/Master's degree (if you already have one)

Proof of language level :

  • For intra-European Erasmus+ students (except Master's students in urban design: Certificate of level B2 in French or level C1 in English ;
  • For other students : Certificate of language level B1, B2 or C1, depending on the discipline ;
  • For students applying to Master's programmes in Urban Design :  Certificate of level B2 in French or level C1 in English
  • Letter of recommendation in French or English :
  • Erasmus+ students : only compulsory for programmes in Modern Languages, Political Science, Film and Visual Studies and Tourism ;
  • Non-Erasmus+ students : compulsory for all disciplines

Provisional list of courses :

  • Erasmus+ students (from countries participating in the programme and partner countries): Learning Agreement, duly completed, signed and stamped by the department and international relations coordinators of the home university
  • Non-Erasmus+ students : A list of the courses you wish to take at Université Gustave Eiffel (please indicate the course title, name of the training programme and the year of study for each course chosen), validated by your referent teacher.
  • Copy of the European Health Insurance Card or the SE-401-Q-106 Quebec social security form (if applicable)


  • Semester 1: 31 May
  • Semester 2: 15 November
Available courses


You can only choose courses from among the following :

  • Bachelor’s programmes
  • Master’s programmes
  • DUT (University Technology Degree) programmes
  • Engineering degrees

For any questions concerning teaching content and methods, please contact the coordinator of your department at Université Gustave Eiffel.


For courses in English and other foreign languages, consult the “Courses in English and other foreign languages” section.

The courses taught at Université Gustave Eiffel are compliant with the European Bachelor’s-Master’s-PhD higher education system. 30 ETCS credits are required to validate a semester of study.

Students on exchange programmes at Université Gustave Eiffel obtain a transcript at the end of their stay (Erasmus+ students: in accordance with the previously established “Learning Agreement”).

Grade out of /20Level
16/20Very good
Moins de 10/20Fail


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Erasmus+ mobility for people with disabilities


The Erasmus+ programme pays particular attention to welcoming people with disabilities and offering guidance and support in all teaching and technological aspects, as well as for additional costs pertaining to their mobility period. The aim is to ensure that everyone benefits fully from their European mobility experience.

By signing the Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), each higher education institution undertakes to ensure equality and equal access to and opportunities for mobility for participants from all backgrounds. People with disabilities can therefore benefit from the support services that their host institution offers its students and staff.

Find out more about Erasmus + mobility for people with disabilities

To meet the specific needs of disabled people during their mobility period and facilitate their participation, supplementary funding can be granted in addition to the Erasmus+ mobility grant.

To best prepare your Erasmus+ mobility period, you must complete the application form for additional funding, indicating the additional costs linked to your disability, and send it to the International Relations Department of your home university.


What are your additional needs ?

Supplementary funding is available for a range of additional needs, such as adapted accommodation, assistance from an accompanying person during travel, medical support, material support, home help and special-needs care.

You must contact the International Relations Department of your home university, which will provide you with the application form for additional funding and help you complete it.

Important: It is very important to inform the International Relations Department (SRI) at Université Gustave Eiffel of your mobility project as early as possible so that we can ensure that we offer you a welcome tailored to your needs.


Contact details for incoming mobility students :

+00 33 (0)1 71 40 81 85

Do not hesitate to consult the Inclusive Mobility website, an online tool that indexes the level of accessibility of higher education institutions.


Visit the Inclusive Mobility website

Courses in English and other foreign languages


See the list of courses taught in English and other foreign languages at Université Gustave Eiffel.


Intensive French Course - Gustave F.L.E. Program

Each year, at the beginning of September, the International Relations Department (SRI) organises two weeks of French classes, called Gustave F.L.E. Program (Pre-sessional intensive French as a Foreign Language Program at Université Gustave Eiffel).

These allow exchange students to improve their French quickly so that they can follow their academic courses in the best conditions. In addition, the participants have the opportunity to meet other students in the same situation during cultural activities.

How to take part

Information about registering for the course will be sent to the named students by e-mail.

Deadline : 31 May



The International Relations Department (SRI) has established an agreement with the regional CROUS (Regional Centres for University and School Work, or Centres Régionaux des Oeuvres Universitaires et Scolaires), in order to offer our exchange students accommodation in student residences close to campus.

We recommend that all students who want to be accommodated in a CROUS hall of residence submit the application form as soon as possible. Rooms are allocated on a first come, first served basis.

> Télécharger le document d'information sur le logement

CROUS residences


How much does a CROUS room cost ?
  • Rent: €300 - €406 / month, depending on the room and residence (2018/2019 academic year)
  • Deposit: €233
  • 3 months’ rent paid in advance


Where are the CROUS residences ?

Condorcet residence

12 Boulevard Newton, 77420 Champs-sur-Marne

RER line A - Noisy-Champs station

5 minutes on foot from the Cité Descartes Campus

Montesquieu residence

7 bis Boulevard Copernic, 77420 Champs-sur-Marne

RER line A - Noisy-Champs station

5 minutes on foot from the Cité Descartes Campus

Lognes residence

26-28-30 Rue Bouquet, 77185 Lognes

RER line A - Lognes station

15 minutes from the Cité Descartes Campus

Torcy residence

20-22-24 Promenade du Belvédère, 77200 Torcy

RER line A - Torcy station

15 minutes from the Cité Descartes Campus

How to request a room

The SRI will send an email to the named students inviting them to fill in the online registration form.


  • Accommodation from Semester 1: 31 May
  • Accommodation from Semester 2: 15 November


University accommodation platform

The university also has an accommodation platform where you can find rental accommodation, houseshares, flatshares, sublet accommodation or a temporary room.

Find out more

Did you know ?

You may be eligible to receive housing benefit from the CAF (French Family Benefits Fund, or Caisse des Allocations Familiales). You will be given information about applying for housing benefit upon your arrival.

All tenants in France are required to take out home insurance (€40 to €80). In most cases, the civil liability insurance required to register at the university and obtain a student card is also included in this insurance.

Buddy programme


Sign up for the Buddy programme and be accompanied by a Université Gustave Eiffel student during your stay !

The aim of the Buddy Programme is to facilitate your integration at Université Gustave Eiffel.

Visas and residence permits

Students from non-European countries must obtain a visa. A letter of acceptance from our department will be required.

If your stay is less than 3 months, you do not need a residence permit.

If your stay is longer than 3 months, a residence permit is required.

    The International Relations Department (SRI) is available to help you with :

    • The application procedure for your first residence permit (excluding Long-Stay Visas equivalent to Residence Permits (VLS-TS));
    • The application procedure for your first residence permit (students subject to the VLS-TS procedure);
    • The application procedure to renew your residence permit.


    If you have a VLS (D visa), a VLS-TS or a residence permit

    Since 15/09/2020, foreign students’ residence permit applications (first request or renewal) have been processed electronically as part of the deployment of the ANEF (Digital Administration Service for Foreigners in France) :

    Holders of long-stay visas equivalent to a residence permit (VLS-TS), student residence permits or “Algerian student” D visas can submit their applications via the dedicated website.

    visit the dedicated website


    Holders of competitive exam visas and minors attending school are not concerned by this dematerialised procedure.

    Healthcare cover in France


    New international students are required to register with Assurance Maladie for healthcare cover after arriving in France.

    Since September 2018, new international students have been able to register with Assurance Maladie via a dedicated website.


    This procedure is compulsory and must be carried out after arriving in the country and after paying the “student life” fee to the CROUS and registered at the higher education institution.

    This dedicated website, available in French and English, is a unique space for international students to connect with Assurance Maladie.

    Visit the website