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The Month of Equality at Gustave Eiffel University

March provides a valuable opportunity to raise awareness among both the university community and society as a whole about crucial issues. As an institution firmly committed to equality and the fight against sexist, discriminatory, and sexual violence, our university reaffirms its commitment by organizing a series of actions throughout the Month of Equality.

A continued commitment and a desire to create an inclusive environment

Since its establishment in 2020, the university has placed equality issues at the forefront of its concerns and is dedicated to creating a conducive environment for the safety of its entire community. For the past four years, the university's Equality mission has worked daily to make the institution increasingly inclusive and to combat all forms of violence, whether sexist, discriminatory, or sexual.

This approach was first manifested in the adoption of an equality plan for the 2021-2023 period. In 2022, the establishment of the National Observatory of Discrimination and Equality in Higher Education (ONDES) strengthened the institution's commitment to these issues, particularly fostering research in support of public action for staff and students, in collaboration with other French universities.

These various initiatives enable the university to maintain vigilance on equality issues within its own structure by encouraging examination and questioning of practices for constant improvement.


Equality in all its shapes


Beyond the efforts deployed by the Equality mission within the institution, the month of March represents a privileged opportunity to highlight the realization of equality principles in all areas of the university. Whether in research, training, or during dedicated events, how is the concept of inclusivity truly addressed? How are these issues approached, and what solutions are implemented to address these challenges?

Throughout the month of March, we invite you to follow our various communication channels to discover concrete examples illustrating how our university integrates these concerns into its daily activities.