InCITIES Scientific Cafés: An Ideas Lab for a Sustainable City

The Knowledge Hubs of the InCITIES project have launched a series of webinars, entitled ‘Scientific Cafés’, designed to strengthen exchanges and collaboration between researchers from partner universities, including the Université Gustave Eiffel. These thematic sessions focus on subjects that are crucial to the future of cities: urban transition and vulnerability, inclusion and health in cities, sustainability and resilience, mobility, energy and nature in urban environments.
These webinars offer researchers a platform to present their work, share results, scientific methods and innovative approaches. The aim is to stimulate collaboration between research teams, encourage the publication of joint scientific articles, and co-supervise students.
Open to all doctoral students, researchers, teachers and members of InCITIES partners, as well as associated partners and universities of the PIONEER Alliance, these Scientific Cafés provide an opportunity for enriching technical discussions. Each session brings together 3 to 4 presentations, encouraging collective innovation to meet the complex challenges of today's and tomorrow's cities.
Five editions have already taken place:
- SCIENTIFIC CAFE #1 - Questioning urban transition – Vulnerability inclusion and Health - 07/02/2024
Sophie Didier (Université Gustave Eiffel) - Discussing redistribution mechanisms and spatial justice at city level: the example of the Disney-led growth coalition in California
Karoliina Nikula (LAUREA) - Social-Ethical Analysis of Expertise-by-Experience in the (Social and) Health Care Context
Yannick Cornet (UNIZA) - Oxford roundabout and the art of safety: resistance to cycling infrastructure intervention
Outi Ahonen (LAUREA) - eHealth in interdisciplinary perspective
- SCIENTIFIC CAFE #2 - “Sustainable mobility innovations” - 08/03/2024
Jimmy Armoogum (Université Gustave Eiffel) - How children’s activities influence parents’ mobility patterns?
Tatiana Kovacikova (UNIZA) - SPINE project ( on Sustainable mobility interventions in Zilina
Sofia Kalakou (ISCTE) – Urban air mobility: views of cities and citizens
- SCIENTIFIC CAFE #3 - “Energy in the City” - 27/03/2024
Miguel Dias (ISCTE) - Clustering and predicting energy consumption in buildings: a case study in Portuguese Public Buildings
Eberhard Waffenschmidt (TH KÖLN) - Swarm Grids – Distributed power grid control
Serge Pelissier (Université Gustave Eiffel) - Smart Energy management for electric transportation systems
- SCIENTIFIC CAFE #4 “Sustainable and resilient city and digital transition” -29/05/2024
Tibor Petrov (UNIZA) - An analytical approach to the estimation of vehicular communication reliability for intersection control applications
Stefania Stellacci and Leonor Domingos (ISCTE) - Advancing Architectural Sustainability with Computational Analysis
Jean-Marc Laheurte (Université Gustave Eiffel) - Monitoring of civil engineering infrastructures and urban air quality based on RFID technologies
- SCIENTIFIC CAFE #5 “Nature in the City” - 27/06/2024
Béatrice Bechet (Université Gustave Eiffel) - “Soil issues in the panorama of urban gardening projects: a case study from Nantes city”
Udo Nehren (TH KÖLN) - “Nature-based solutions to mitigate extreme climatic events in Cologne-Bonn Region: Challenges and approaches”
André Samora-Arvela (ISCTE) - “Reviewing active mobility and active aging policies in Portugal: The first findings of the GREENCITY4AGING project”
The sixth edition will take place on September 24th and will focus on the subject of mobility, with presentations by Christina Georgouli and Dana Sitányiová from the University of Žilina and Florent Le Néchet from the Université Gustave Eiffel.
For more information, visit the InCITIES project website: https: //
InCities is a project under the Horizon Europe program: Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence of the European Commission.
Launched for a period of three years (October 2022-September 2025), its goal is to initiate transformations focused on the needs of inclusion, sustainability, and resilience of cities in the higher education institutions that are members of the project and their partner territories.